Lidia Yuknavitch will be the next author I read. As is often the case your choice of an excerpt loudly resonates.

This is why I have come to believe that non-fiction and fiction are as inextricably linked as memory and imagination—which, as it turns out, also use the same brain circuits when they are active.” (Chronology of Water, pg 299)

What this (means) is they are nearly one and the same. Kind of dovetails with the new word PANRHEIC.

Finally, what an intriguing possibility that those of us who can’t access our memories may have the clearest and truest. I’ve always been haunted wondering where do memories go? Your excerpt helps bridge to . . inextricably commingled with imagination they may truly matter only to this fleeting ego.

You focus sometimes in a place that jolts me awake. For me this post was one of those times.

Thanks Anne


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thank you, as always, for reading Skip. appreciate you and your response. i know you are a fellow ponderer. and hoping your recovery is going well.

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Oh my, Anne. We are having such parallel thoughts and experiences. Thank you for this pondering me challenging piece. I too at the beach this week, and after finishing Circes, took on Lidia’s “The Book of Joan” - both books I have put off because I wasn’t sure I could handle them (one the challenge, the second the theme…). I too have been thinking about memories and dementia. This will feed my next blog certainly. Thank you…❤️

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ah, thanks Dede. i've notice many (mainly women) having similar experiences these days. something is shifting.

will be interested to hear what you think of "The Book of Joan," (it has been a while since i read it.) we need to set a time aside for coffee/tea.

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Your words always touch me. So many nuggets here. I'm also a fan of Chronology of Water. It's the kind of book I could read over and over.

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ah, thanks Natalie. funny thing. i took Chronology to the coast with me and it got wet! ha, it is all wavy. how appropriate. i've preorder lidia's next memoir. how could i not? i wasn't going to wait 14 years this time. i hope you are taking tender care.

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